We are accepting orders but deliveries will not recommence until the 6th January. Wishing you a Happy Festive Season and all the best for the New Year.

Palm Products’ Production Manager completes 21 years

Danny Dang has completed 21 years with Palm Products. He has an inspiring personal story. He came to Australia by boat after the fall of Vietnam as an 8 year old, gained an education, and has working hard and applied himself with great energy and tenacity, and with a positive value system. In doing so he has earned the respect of work colleagues, suppliers and customers. He enjoys his work at Palm, particularly the technical challenges, and the challenges buy viagra of running a lean manufacturing organization and of giving our customers what they want. He has a ready smile and a ready joke.

He has been instrumental in enabling the company to transition from an automotive based company to a balance between automotive and consumer products, and is excited by our future possibilities.

He has a lovely wife and 2 children and lives in a beautiful new house. In his spare time he enjoys getting up early in the morning and going where the fish are biting with his friends, often from his own “tinny”.

Life is good.
